Japanese destroyer Nowaki


Japanese destroyer Nowaki of the Imperial Navy during sea trials in the Pacific during World War II in Asia.
Japanese destroyer Nowaki is a Japanese Kagero-class destroyer. The name means “Strong Autumn Wind” in Japanese.
Built in 1939 at the Maizuru KK Shipyard. Launched on September 17, 1940, entered service on April 28, 1941.
On March 1–4, 1942, he operated in the Java Sea together with the cruisers Maya, Atago, Takao and the destroyer Arashi.
The destroyer Nowaki participated in the Midway operation (together with Arashi, Hagikaze and Maikaze, she finished off the damaged Akagi with torpedoes. Participated in the battles for Truk and the Philippines (Leyte Gulf, 1944). On November 26, 1944, she was sunk by American cruisers and destroyers in the San Bernardino Strait.


Source: Kure Maritime Museum, Japanese Naval Warship Photo Album: Destroyers, edited by Kazushige Todaka, p. 104.



Location: Japan
Time when the photo was taken: April 19, 1941
Photo credit: Shizuo Fukui / 福井静夫

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