German pilots from the JG77 Herz As fighter squadron of the Nazi Luftwaffe (ace of hearts) in the Battle of Tunisia.
German pilots from left to right: Commander I.JG77 Maj. Heinz Bär. During the war years he won 221 aerial victories (96 in battles on the Eastern Front). He died on April 20, 1957 in a plane crash;
Lt. Armin Kohler. During the war years he won 21 aerial victories (3 on the Eastern Front);
Commander JG77 Maj. Joachim Müncheberg. During the war years he won 135 victories (33 on the Eastern Front). He died on March 23, 1943, when he could not avoid a collision with the wreckage of the Spitfire fighter he shot down from the American group 52 FG. Wounded Muncheberg managed to leave his Messerschmit with a parachute and land. However, on the same day he died from his wounds.
Location: Tunisia
Image Date: 1943