German pilots from I.LG14 (1st group of the 14th combat training squadron) of the Nazi Luftwaffe play cards at the airfield Lechfeld (Germany) near Messerschmitt BF 110C fighter aircraft(L1 + EK).
German pilots of the Messerschmitt BF 110C fighter sitting at the table from left to right: Feldwebel Shob – will survive the end of the war;
sergeant-major Kobert will be shot down in battle and die 01 September 1940;
Ober-feldwebel Stegemann will perish on May 21, 1940 during an accident during the take-off of his fighter;
Feldwebel Hoffman will be shot down in battle and will die on September 15, 1940, being a rifle-radio operator of the Staffel (squadron) commander Helmut Müller.
Location: Germany
Time when the photo was taken: 1940